Sunday, June 04, 2006

belem is the town where i got on the boat heading up the amazon river towards manaus. like all big brazilian cities, it has many faces. one of its face is poor, dirty, ugly, messy, and also somehow endearing with its rythm and naturality. another face is richer, cleaned up, comically attempting to impose order upon a messy national soul. interestingly, like many modern european and american cities, it has a completely made up modern regenerated area, filled with trendy bars and restaurants. in fact, it reminded me of revitilized parts of the american south, like new orelans.

Belem is the capital of the state of para, a massive and rich stretch of land and rivers that shares the heart of the amazon basin with the state of amazonas to its west. i didnt find it the most pleasant city, but i only spent two days there, not enough to really get to know it. the one area where i spent some time was one of its fish ports, a messy, dirty, but incredibly dynamic place always buzzing with activity, not all of it pleasant ;).